Digital TransformationTop Stories
How APIs are delivering on technology modernisation

How APIs are delivering on technology modernisation

The modern CIO is constantly looking for new opportunities to drive the organisation forward. Joel Reid, UK&I VP/General Manager, Axway, tells us why companies should be utilising Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in order to move forward faster.

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How threat intelligence can improve vulnerability management outcomes

Chris Jacob, Global Vice President, Threat Intelligence Engineers, ThreatQuotient, says an ever-evolving threat landscape needs a structured and efficient risk-based process for managing vulnerabilities. It might surprise you to know that more than 70 new vulnerabilities are published every day. And, despite their...

If you can’t see it, you can’t manage it. Using Infoblox Reporting & Analytics, teams can monitor and interpret...

David Higgins, Director of Customer Development at CyberArk, explores the cybersecurity lessons business leaders can learn...

Cyber security professionals have become more aware of the value of analytics and have moved beyond using analytics for...

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